image credit - 林忠衡 / mooon / tuiry

Founded in Taiwan, "g0v" (gov-zero) is a decentralised civic tech community with information transparency, open results and open cooperation as its core values. g0v engages in public affairs by drawing from the grassroot power of the community. Learn More

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g0v is an open community which provides an opportunity for all participants to join the conversation on its social media posts. Because of this, g0v has established certain governance mechanisms. All posts are first checked by members of the community who have admin privileges. To learn more, please read the g0v SNS community governance document.


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社群 9 分鐘

「g0v 社群每月九分鐘」是 g0v 揪松團發起的分享文,每月上旬更新,希望每月可以用九分鐘的時間,跟你分享 g0v 社群的每月趣事。分享文是在 HackMD 上發表的共筆,歡迎共同編輯。

What is g0v?

g0v is a grassroots social movement community dedicated to deepening the civic engagements and connections between the social arena and citizens. You can find like-minded partners in the g0v community, achieve your ideas in a grassroots manner, and then release the results under an open-source license, letting people stand on your shoulders.

g0v replaces "o" in gov with "0", which reimagines the role of government from scratch zero and reflects the vision from 0 to 1 of the digital natives.

How g0v Works

g0v.tw primarily operates online with a large hackathon occurring once every two months. Participants propose different projects and call for volunteers. Oftentimes, in addition to meeting at the hackathons, projects will split off, holding their own smaller meetups and hackathons independent of the larger g0v events. This operating mode encourages bottom-up ideation, fostering activism over slacktivism.

(Note: Hackathon is a portmanteau of "hacker" and "marathon", a large-scale event that takes place over the course of one to two days. Volunteers form groups, work, and report their progress. Many projects will meet before the event and form a plan for the day to make sure they can get as much done as possible in the limited time available.)

People Who Make g0v

Members of g0v are both online and offline and come from all fields. The only requirement is that you believe in the principle of open-source collaboration. You don't need to be a software engineer; although most members in the early days of g0v were software engineers, now over 60% of participants are not from a technical background.

Is it a problem if I can’t write code? Not at all!

g0v Manifesto

Originally drafted by ipa, the g0v manifesto, after many rounds of community deliberation and discussion, now clearly represents and define the g0v spirit, the logic of open-source collaboration. It is a kind of "constitution" for the g0v community. If you want to learn more, you can view the g0v Manifesto page.


The best way to get to know g0v is to come participate. Whether online or offline, there are many channels to interact with members of the community.


Newcomers Guide

If you want to participate in g0v, but are unsure how, check out our Newcomers Guide

Newcomers Guide

Support the hackathon by donation

g0v's bimonthly hackathons are mostly run by volunteers. The venue, food, and all money required to run the event are all raised by community members. You can also support us through online donation.
